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[mkgmap-dev] Wrong route on roundabout

From 7770 7770 at foskan.eu on Thu May 30 08:51:21 BST 2024

Hi, when i look at the routing and the map that you provided via the link, it 
looks like the road section leading into the roundabout is wrongly connected, 
hence the routing goes wrong.
I dont know the location as i am not from there, but checking satellite and 
google street view made me update the map and the entrances to the roundabout.
I think it may still need some update, but hope fully it should work better 
now. Try online first, data to download may be updated only daily.

Car grashopper and OSRM works.


On torsdag 30 maj 2024 06:52:10 CEST Oskar Ohakas wrote:
> Hello,
> I compiled my first gmapsupp.img and on test drive garmin offered an
> obviously wrong route on a roundabout (garmin.jpg). On OpenStreetMap i get
> the same wrong route with algorithm Car (Valhalla), but Bicycle (Valhalla)
> and other routing algorithms will give the correct route.
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/directions?engine=fossgis_valhalla_car&route=
> 58.93979%2C23.53421%3B58.93934%2C23.53611#map=19/58.93949/23.53509
> I followed the instructions from
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mkgmap/help/How_to_create_a_map
> mkgmap \
>     --route \
>     --add-pois-to-areas \
>     --bounds=bounds \
>     --index \
>     --gmapsupp \
>     6324*.osm.pbf
> Have I missed an important option? Is it possible to fix the problem in
> compilation phase or is it something confusing for Garmin algorithm in
> OpenStreetMap data? If it helps, then I have uploaded the gmapsupp.img for
> possible inspection to the address https://0x0.st/XNpC.img/gmapsupp.img
> Any helpful insights are welcome.
> Oskar Ohakas

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