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[mkgmap-dev] House numbers

From Gerd Petermann gpetermann_muenchen at hotmail.com on Tue Sep 12 08:15:40 BST 2023

Hi Michael,

the difference is visible when you click on a POI to see its property. Is has no effect on the road names.
The news text might be confusing. It works as designed because address search works for addr:place, and yes, it adds the name to road, but you have to understand that the Garmin format allows up to four names (labels) for one road. All four can be used for the address search, but Basecamp only renders the first name. The logic for addr:place doesn't set the first label, it sets the 2nd, so that address search works and
and the road is still correctly displayed as nameless.
Attached screen shots show the POI generated for https://www.osm.org/way/690060365
when --add-pois-to-areas is used and my additional rules 
addr:housenumber=* & addr:street=* { name '${addr:housenumber} ${name}' | '${addr:housenumber}' }    [0x3200 resolution 24]
addr:housenumber=* & addr:street!=* & addr:place=* { name 'pl-${addr:housenumber}' }    [0x3200 resolution 24]  
are added in the points file right after(!) the line
addr:housenumber=* {set mkgmap:execute_finalize_rules=true} 

I hope it's clear now?

Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-bounces at lists.mkgmap.org.uk> im Auftrag von Forstner Michael <forstner-m at a1.net>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 10. September 2023 10:38
An: 'Development list for mkgmap'
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] House numbers

Hello Gerd,

I have now tried the POI with and without a patch. Attached are screenshots
from BaseCamp. I cannot notice a difference. Maybe the patch will do
something else. Do you have an explanation for this?

I found some news on your website (see attachment). The highlighted area
should do exactly what I would like. An unnamed street should be named if
there is a house nearby that has addr:place. However, this does not happen.
Has the function been removed? This does not need to be done with
addr:street because there has to be a named street there anyway.
The option --housenumbers is activated.

Thank you!

Best regards

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