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[mkgmap-dev] [PATCH v2] modify road speed and class from a POI

From Mark Burton markb at ordern.com on Wed Oct 14 23:24:15 BST 2009


> Just a small question. If I add to a poi { add road_speed_min='-1'; add 
> road_speed_min='1' } what happens if the original road had road_speed=0 
> will it be increased or stay at 0?
> (I assume and hope for the latter).

Yes, the min/max tags only have an effect if mkgmap:road-speed or
mkgmap:road-class are in use for the way in question.

BTW - the syntax is mkgmap:road-speed-min and not road_speed_min as in
your example (I think you knew that, really)


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