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[mkgmap-dev] Multipolygon broken without warning

From WanMil wmgcnfg at web.de on Thu Nov 11 19:52:59 GMT 2010

> I logged both broken multipolygons (303344 and 302922) with logging-level
> FINE and seperated the details of both relations. You can find the loggs at
> http://hscholland.de/data/mkgmap.log.7z
> aighes

Ok, things are clear now.
The multipolygon was tagged only with name=Vanajavesi and the three 
outer ways were tagged with natural=water. Since r1711 mkgmap generally 
uses the tags from the multipolygon if it has at least one tag 
(type=multipolygon does not count). So the mp (which means the merged 
polgons) is tagged only with name=Vanajavesi. The tags of the outer ways 
are not removed so they still use natural=water. This leads to the 
described effect as they are autoclosed (I don't know where this happens).

Correct tagging is now necessary for a correct processing.

Before r1711 the tags were taken only from the multipolygon if it had at 
least one known "polygon"-tag (like natural, landuse etc.). But there 
was the problem that the list of known polygon tags could not be 
complete. So we decided to require a clean tagging.


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