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[mkgmap-dev] Splitter don't work with some command line arguments (--mixed and --keep-complete=false)

From Ataro ataromail2000 at yahoo.it on Thu Jan 19 12:23:50 GMT 2017

I've some problem vith last splitter versions and some command line 
arguments. Splitter v575 with this command line:
( with --mixed and --keep-complete=false, are they no more supported ?

C:\Users\UTENTE\Documents\OSM Map\Scripts>"C:\Program 
Files"\Java\jre1.8.0_111\bin\java -enableassertions -Xmx8192M -jar 
..\splitter-r575\splitter.jar --mapid=69010001 src\AN.osm --mixed 
--output=pbf --keep-complete=false --max-nodes=1200000 
Splitter version 575 compiled 2017-01-16T15:52:00+0000
max-threads=4 (auto)
Setting default overlap=2000 because keep-complete=false is in use.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at uk.me.parabola.splitter.Main.readArgs(Main.java:436)
         at uk.me.parabola.splitter.Main.start(Main.java:93)
         at uk.me.parabola.splitter.Main.main(Main.java:79)

I've done some test and if i use a osm data file sorted by ID and by 
calling splitter without the following command line parameters :
i obtain a working splitter execution:

C:\Users\UTENTE\Documents\OSM Map\Scripts>"C:\Program 
Files"\Java\jre1.8.0_111\bin\java -enableassertions -Xmx8192M -jar 
..\splitter-r575\splitter.jar --mapid=69010001 src\AN.osm --output=pbf 
--max-nodes=1200000 --polygon-file=bounds.poly
Splitter version 575 compiled 2017-01-16T15:52:00+0000
max-threads=4 (auto)
Elapsed time: 0s   Memory: Current 123MB (5MB used, 118MB free) Max 7282MB
Time started: Tue Jan 17 13:58:01 CET 2017
Map is being split for resolution 13:
  - area boundaries are aligned to 0x800 map units (0.0439453125 degrees)
  - areas are multiples of 0x800 map units wide and high
Processing src\AN.osm
Fill-densities-map pass took 2338 ms
Exact map coverage read from input file(s) is 
(42.5299859046936,10.78831672668457) to 
Exact map coverage after applying bounding box of polygon-file is 
(42.5299859046936,10.78831672668457) to 
Rounded map coverage is (42.4951171875,10.7666015625) to 
Splitting nodes into areas containing a maximum of 1.200.000 nodes each...
splitting bounds
Highest node count in a single grid element is 33.991
Highest node count in a single grid element within the bounding polygon 
is 33.991
Trying to find nice split for (42.4951171875,10.7666015625) to 
(46.0546875,13.7548828125) with 2.964.976 nodes
searching for split with min-nodes 60000, learned 0 good partial solutions
Best solution until now: 4 tile(s). The smallest node count is 550485 
(45 %), the worst aspect ratio is near 3.48, elapsed search time: 0 s
searching for split with min-nodes 605533, learned 0 good partial solutions
Best solution until now: 4 tile(s). The smallest node count is 685678 
(57 %), the worst aspect ratio is near 3.38, elapsed search time: 0 s
searching for split with min-nodes 854072, learned 1 good partial solutions
Best solution until now: 3 tile(s). The smallest node count is 859834 
(71 %), the worst aspect ratio is near 2.06, elapsed search time: 0 s
searching for split with min-nodes 1078224, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 969029, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 914431, learned 0 good partial solutions
Best solution until now: 3 tile(s). The smallest node count is 926689 
(77 %), the worst aspect ratio is near 1.95, elapsed search time: 0 s
searching for split with min-nodes 998742, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 962715, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 944702, learned 0 good partial solutions
Best solution until now: 3 tile(s). The smallest node count is 957157 
(79 %), the worst aspect ratio is near 1.99, elapsed search time: 0 s
searching for split with min-nodes 988626, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 972891, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 965024, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 961090, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 959123, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 958140, learned 0 good partial solutions
searching for split with min-nodes 957158, learned 0 good partial solutions
Solution is nice. Can't find a better solution with search-limit 200000: 
3 tile(s). The smallest node count is 957157 (79 %), the worst aspect 
ratio is near 1.99
Trying to cut the areas so that they fit into the polygon ...
Area 69010001 covers (43.4619140625,10.7666015625) to 
(46.0546875,13.7548828125) and contains 957389 nodes (79 %)
Area 69010002 covers (42.4951171875,13.095703125) to 
(43.4619140625,13.7548828125) and contains 957157 nodes (79 %)
Area 69010003 covers (42.4951171875,10.7666015625) to 
(43.4619140625,13.095703125) and contains 1050430 nodes (87 %)
Creating the initial areas took 78 ms
3 areas:
Area 69010001: 2025472,501760 to 2146304,641024 covers 
(0x1ee800,0x7a800) to (0x20c000,0x9c800)
Area 69010002: 1980416,610304 to 2025472,641024 covers 
(0x1e3800,0x95000) to (0x1ee800,0x9c800)
Area 69010003: 1980416,501760 to 2025472,610304 covers 
(0x1e3800,0x7a800) to (0x1ee800,0x95000)
Generating problem list for 3 distinct areas
Processing 3 areas in a single pass
Pseudo areas:
Pseudo area -4 covers (46.0546875,-180.0) to (90.0,180.0)
Pseudo area -5 covers (-90.0,-180.0) to (42.4951171875,180.0)
Pseudo area -6 covers (42.4951171875,-180.0) to (46.0546875,10.7666015625)
Pseudo area -7 covers (42.4951171875,13.7548828125) to (46.0546875,180.0)
cached 8 combinations of areas that form rectangles.
AreaGridTree [512][512] for grid area (-90.0,-180.0) to (90.0,180.0) 
requires max. 3 checks for each node (0 sub grid(s))
Starting problem-list-generator pass(es)
Starting problem-list-generator pass 1 of 1
way Map: uses SparseLong2IntMap
coord Map: uses SparseLong2IntMap
Processing src\AN.osm
Processing src\AN.osm
coord Map: 2.964.976 stored long/int pairs require ca. 99.64 bytes per 
pair. 141.902 chunks are used, the avg. number of values in one 64-chunk 
is 20.
coord Map details: ~282 MB, including 3535 array(s) with 8 MB

way Map: 235.842 stored long/int pairs require ca. 144.13 bytes per 
pair. 39.947 chunks are used, the avg. number of values in one 64-chunk 
is 5.
way Map details: ~32 MB, including 44 array(s) with 8 MB

   Number of stored area combis for nodes: 2.964.976
   Number of stored area combis for ways: 235.842
   Number of stored Integers for rels: 0
   Number of stored combis in dictionary: 28
   Number of detected problem ways: 518
   Number of detected problem rels: 78
   JVM Memory Info: Current 1010MB (555MB used, 455MB free) Max 7282MB

Problem-list-generator pass 1 took 8147 ms
Problem-list-generator pass(es) took 8257 ms
cached 2 combinations of areas that form rectangles.
AreaGridTree [512][512] for grid area (42.4951171875,10.7666015625) to 
(46.0546875,13.7548828125) requires max. 3 checks for each node (0 sub 
Executing multi-tile analyses phase 1
Processing src\AN.osm
Stats for MultiTileProcessor pass 1
   SparseBitSet problemRels contains now 78 Ids.
   SparseBitSet neededWays contains now 518 Ids.
   SparseBitSet mpWays contains now 0 Ids.
   SparseBitSet neededNodes contains now 0 Ids.
   Number of stored relations: 6.766
   Number of stored tile combinations in multiTileDictionary: 7
Status: Finished collecting relations.
   JVM Memory Info: Current 1075MB (499MB used, 576MB free) Max 7282MB
starting to resolve relations containing problem relations ...
Finished adding members of problem relations to problem lists.
Stats for MultiTileProcessor pass 1
   SparseBitSet neededWays contains now 1.888 Ids.
   SparseBitSet mpWays contains now 1.445 Ids.
   SparseBitSet neededNodes contains now 49 Ids.
   Number of stored relations: 78
   Number of stored tile combinations in multiTileDictionary: 7
Status: starting to collect ids of needed way nodes ...
Multi-tile analyses phase 1 took 3687 ms
Executing multi-tile analyses phase 2
Processing src\AN.osm
Stats for MultiTileProcessor pass 2
   SparseBitSet neededWays contains now 1.888 Ids.
   SparseBitSet mpWays contains now 220 Ids.
   SparseBitSet neededNodes contains now 129.328 Ids.
   Number of stored relations: 78
   Number of stored tile combinations in multiTileDictionary: 7
Status: Finished collecting problem ways.
Found 1.667 of 1.888 needed ways.
Found 1.225 of 1.445 needed multipolygon ways.
Stats for MultiTileProcessor pass 2
   SparseBitSet neededWays contains now 1.888 Ids.
   SparseBitSet mpWays contains now 220 Ids.
   SparseBitSet neededNodes contains now 129.328 Ids.
   Number of stored relations: 78
   Number of stored tile combinations in multiTileDictionary: 7
Status: Starting to collect coordinates for 129.328 needed nodes.
   JVM Memory Info: Current 1128MB (332MB used, 796MB free) Max 7282MB
Multi-tile analyses phase 2 took 3875 ms
Executing multi-tile analyses phase 3
Processing src\AN.osm
Sorry, way 27971853 is missing 24 node(s).
Sorry, way 27971855 is missing 22 node(s).
Sorry, way 27971920 is missing 30 node(s).
Sorry, way 27971986 is missing 21 node(s).
Sorry, way 27972897 is missing 154 node(s).
Sorry, way 27973141 is missing 138 node(s).
Sorry, way 27973162 is missing 5 node(s).
Sorry, way 44300958 is missing 563 node(s).
Sorry, way 54571555 is missing 65 node(s).
Sorry, way 61712451 is missing 223 node(s).
Sorry, way 61713858 is missing 229 node(s).
Sorry, way 108985263 is missing 6 node(s).
Sorry, way 111221719 is missing 49 node(s).
Sorry, way 116858690 is missing 113 node(s).
Sorry, way 116858749 is missing 57 node(s).
Sorry, way 116861951 is missing 57 node(s).
Sorry, way 117220070 is missing 114 node(s).
Sorry, way 124114970 is missing 80 node(s).
Sorry, way 124114972 is missing 79 node(s).
Sorry, way 142585613 is missing 295 node(s).
Sorry, way 142585623 is missing 34 node(s).
Sorry, way 156331658 is missing 8 node(s).
Sorry, way 156339160 is missing 23 node(s).
Sorry, way 175665206 is missing 109 node(s).
Sorry, way 175665234 is missing 228 node(s).
Sorry, way 175665368 is missing 26 node(s).
Sorry, way 256502124 is missing 646 node(s).
Sorry, way 360729606 is missing 2 node(s).
Sorry, way 376351181 is missing 218 node(s).
Found 125.547 of 129.328 needed nodes.
   JVM Memory Info: Current 1162MB (789MB used, 373MB free) Max 7282MB
Calculating tiles for problem relations...
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 41781 (Rieti): using bbox of 
unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [27971853, 27971918, 27971919, 
27971925, 27971969, 27971999, 27972015, 27972045, 27972061, 174907361, 
27972093, 27972022, 27972026, 27971994, 27971986]
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 42039 (Leonessa): using bbox 
of unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [27971920, 27971989, 27971994, 
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 42042 (Posta): using bbox of 
unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [27971855, 27971915, 27971920]
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 42106 (Perugia): using bbox of 
unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [390641310, 175665042, 175665081, 
175665226, 175665243, 156331496, 156339163, 156331494, 156339154, 
156339148, 156339118, 156331670, 390795180, 156339151, 174907180, 
174907379, 27972093, 27972022, 27972026, 27971994, 27971986, 175665045, 
175665260, 117005847, 117005857, 117005859, 117005864, 117005860, 
117005849, 116858690]
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 42106 (Perugia): using bbox of 
closed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [116861951, 116858749]
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 42212 (Macerata): using bbox 
of unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [156339154, 156331494, 
156339163, 156331496, 156339161, 156331410, 156331305, 156339146, 
156331296, 156339125, 156339157, 156331454, 156339145, 156339143, 
156331658, 156339148, 156339118, 156331670, 390795180, 156339151, 
156339156, 156331495, 156331603, 156331593, 156339124, 156331476, 
156331297, 156331642, 156339132, 156339127, 156339119, 156339159, 
156331348, 156339158, 156331295, 156339123, 156331288, 156339121, 
156331292, 156339164, 156339160]
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 42390 (Gubbio): using bbox of 
unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [27973006, 27973035, 117005864, 
117005860, 27973141, 27972949, 27972910, 27972889, 27972861, 27972897]
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 42429 (Pietralunga): using 
bbox of unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [27973141, 117005849, 
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 42455 (Pesaro e Urbino): using 
bbox of unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [117220070, 117204127, 
117203725, 117204122, 117204124, 117203718, 117005854, 117005847, 
117005857, 117005859, 117005864, 117005860, 117005849, 116858690]
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 42460 (Jesi): using bbox of 
unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [175665368, 175665263, 175665206, 
175665279, 175665315, 175665234]
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 53059 (Ancona): using bbox of 
unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [156339145, 156339143, 156331658, 
156331454, 156339157, 156339125, 156331296, 156339146, 156331305, 
156331410, 156339161, 175665243, 175665226, 175665081, 175665042, 
390641310, 175665045, 175665260, 117005854, 117203718, 117204124, 
117204122, 117203725, 117204127, 117220070]
Warning: Incomplete multipolygon relation 53059 (Ancona): using bbox of 
unclosed polygon to calc tiles, ways: [27973162, 303153574, 116268093, 
116268081, 256502119, 256502124]
Stats for MultiTileProcessor pass 3
   SparseBitSet neededWays contains now 1.888 Ids.
   Number of stored tile combinations in multiTileDictionary: 7
Status: Making sure that needed way nodes of relations are written to 
the correct tiles...
Multi-tile analyses phase 3 took 4050 ms
Executing multi-tile analyses phase 4
Processing src\AN.osm
Stats for MultiTileProcessor pass 4
   SparseBitSet neededWays contains now 1.888 Ids.
   Number of stored tile combinations in multiTileDictionary: 7
   nodeWriterMap contains 125.547 pairs.
   wayWriterMap contains 1.667 pairs.
   relWriterMap contains 78 pairs.
Status: Finished processing problem lists.
Multi-tile analyses phase 4 took 3847 ms
Writing results of MultiTileAnalyser to temp files ...
Wrote 125547 node pairs to C:\Users\UTENTE\Documents\OSM 
Wrote 1667 way pairs to C:\Users\UTENTE\Documents\OSM 
Wrote 78 rel pairs to C:\Users\UTENTE\Documents\OSM 
Writing temp files took 94 ms
Distributing data Tue Jan 17 13:58:27 CET 2017
Processing 3 areas in a single pass
coord Map: uses SparseLong2IntMap
way Map: uses SparseLong2IntMap
Starting distribution pass 1 of 1, processing 3 areas (69010001 to 69010003)
Processing src\AN.osm
Writing ways Tue Jan 17 13:58:31 CET 2017
Writing relations Tue Jan 17 13:58:33 CET 2017
coord Map: 2.964.976 stored long/int pairs require ca. 99.64 bytes per 
pair. 141.902 chunks are used, the avg. number of values in one 64-chunk 
is 20.
coord Map details: ~282 MB, including 3535 array(s) with 8 MB

way Map: 235.842 stored long/int pairs require ca. 144.13 bytes per 
pair. 39.947 chunks are used, the avg. number of values in one 64-chunk 
is 5.
way Map details: ~32 MB, including 44 array(s) with 8 MB

   JVM Memory Info: Current 1326MB (791MB used, 535MB free) Max 7282MB
Full Node tests:  49.843
Quick Node tests: 2.940.079
Thread worker-1 has finished
Thread worker-0 has finished
Thread worker-2 has finished
Distribution pass(es) took 6344 ms
temporary file C:\Users\UTENTE\Documents\OSM 
Map\Scripts\.\node1013204134007314113.tmp was deleted
temporary file C:\Users\UTENTE\Documents\OSM 
Map\Scripts\.\way5411622269226443991.tmp was deleted
temporary file C:\Users\UTENTE\Documents\OSM 
Map\Scripts\.\rel1422316232199370816.tmp was deleted
Time finished: Tue Jan 17 13:58:34 CET 2017
Total time taken: 32s

I think that the last splitter version have some problems with the 
command line parameters :
or they are no more supported ?

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