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[mkgmap-dev] [PATCH] Reduce the resolution of natural=coastline

From Johann Gail johann.gail at gmx.de on Thu Mar 4 19:03:52 GMT 2010

Felix Hartmann schrieb:
> It would be better to have more aggressive dp-filter instead. As I 
> wrote a while back, the increase of the dp filter in low resolutions 
> has to be much higher. Currently a level of 10 is very good, but too 
> strong for resolutions 23-21 and a bit too strong for 20.
For the setting of dp filter:
Would it be a reasonable solution to take the settings from the options 
file of the style folder?

I.e. in the style file should be a line like dpfilter = 0:12 1:20 2:50 3:100
similar to the resoltuion settings. With this it would be possible to 
set the filter for each resolution.

Or would it be a better aproach to set this line at the commandline as a 


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