logo separator

[mkgmap-dev] Commit: r1198: Merge in the sea polygon patch from the multipolygon branch.

From Mark Burton markb at ordern.com on Thu Sep 17 11:22:49 BST 2009

I tried processing great_britain.osm with the --generate-sea option and
found the following issues:

1 - it generated lots of warnings like this:

2009/09/17 10:40:26 WARNING (Osm5XmlHandler):   Way null (OSM id 4611686018427388109) has short arc (0.00m) - but it can't be removed because both ends of the arc are boundary nodes!

Not a real problem because the line isn't actually a road but it looks rather scary.

2 - the last line in my log file says:

2009/09/17 10:51:34 WARNING (Osm5XmlHandler): Non-closed coastline segment does not hit bounding box: 309959855 (59.12089/-5.81827) 309959797 (59.12314/-5.81254) http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=59.12089&lon=-5.81827&zoom=17

The mkgmap never finishes, at that point it just hangs gobbling 100%
CPU so I guess it's stuck in some loop. Perhaps the message is related?

In the code, I see it uses (1L << 62) + nextFakeId++ everywhere.

Also, the comment on line 65 is now not true.


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