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[mkgmap-dev] PIO adressing the only alternative?

From stefan at binaervarianz.de stefan at binaervarianz.de on Wed Feb 11 09:17:23 GMT 2009


as I read from the mails in the last month here, address search by  
generated PIOs is the only alternative because the structure of the  
garmin 'search address' function is not understood.

If I understand correctly, it's given as fact now that garmin-like  
address search can not be achieved.

Can somebody give me a little heads up on the garmin address search?  
Under what circumstances can it be used by non-garmin data? Cause i  
actually have OSM maps for my etrex legend hcx here, which support the  
build in address search function.
The map data is pretty old, and the search function doesn't work very  
well (doesn't know every street) but at least the search function  
itself is usable.

So how could this be achieved, and why isn't it even remotely possible  
in mkgmap?

Please don't mistake this as an 'I want this feature'-rant-mail, I'm  
just curious about the technical background.

I've allready contacted the author of the map and asked which  
toolchain he used, but got no answer :(



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